The series of Animal Crossing has been around since 2001. Since then many versions for many different consoles have been released. The most recent adaptation of the game is Animal Crossing: New Horizons. In this game you take on the role of a character who moves to a deserted island after purhcasing a getaway package from Tom Nook, who is a recurring character throughout the series. Your goal is to develop the island into a thriving community by gathering resources, crafting items, decorating the landscape, and building homes. You interact with anthropomorphic animal villagers, participate in various seasonal events, and can visit other players islands via online multiplayer. The games open-ended nature allows for creativity and relaxation, with no strict objectives or time limits.
Eventually you will see this website will have many sections you can go to that are specific to something you might be wondering about the game. Whether it be how to get more bells, how to obtain certain items or how to earn friendship points with your villager, we will have it all! You will even be able to contribute to a public forum where everyone can add their own knowledge they have learned.